Too short
Tue Jun 22 2021 ZyffDogI downloaded this game because I enjoy logic problems; it seemed like a good fit. It’s simple to play, although the grid is a bit small on my phone, so I often click the wrong grid square; not a big deal, because you get 3 chances. I tried a couple of games in easy and medium modes, but they were much too simple to be interesting, so I settled on the most difficult level. I enjoyed playing it, but unfortunately I finished all the games in a day or two; so I contacted support to find out if more levels were available through some means I hadn’t noticed. They responded quickly with a thank you for contacting them, but offered nothing; so basically it appears to be a throwaway game, finish it in a day or two and that’s all there is… Pretty disappointing overall…
UPDATE-The newest version does allow the Hard level to continue counting upwards, it no longer says MAX; but it’s still repeating puzzles, I haven’t seen a new one yet. Still, it’s an improvement…
They also added an option on how to switch between checks and Xs, something I saw requested in other reviews; so I will say thst the developer is trying to be responsive, and that in itself is a very good thing! I increased my review to 4 stars for responsiveness…
I’m looking forward to the next update…
very fun, but there are some problems.
Fri Mar 04 2022 Dippy did did dipthis game is very fun, don‘t get me wrong, but the ads weren’t as prevalent in the first 10 minutes of using the app, but now they are after every level. The types of ads that you chose are very Clickbait. They get you to touch the screen so they can bring you to the App Store. And I saw another review that said that the ads are only five seconds long. That‘s a complete lie. The ones that happen after every level, that I don’t choose to watch, make you watch at least 10 seconds, then let you skip, but then you have to wait for the interactive part that will click bait you to the App Store, and then finally you can skip that part of the ad where you have to wait five more seconds. I understand they have to make money someway, but it’s not very good for your users that watch more ads then getting actual gameplay. And I’m not going to pay you so I can stop seeing your advertisements. At least show them out to every two or three games because after every level it gets very repetitive. I will be uninstalling this app because all the other reviews say the same thing. And I hope I never see an ad for this game again. Thank you for your time, a random review person.
>>>New edit. Just opened the app to see if the ads were some type of bug, and it gave me 3 ads in a row. just so i could play one level. then it played an ad in the middle of the game. please get another ad producer
Could be wayyyyyy better.
Wed Jul 13 2022 Teddieee0115Some of the clues repeat themselves, I don’t need two different clues that give me the same result… each clue should further help your progress. Sometimes the clues are poorly worded and it’s hard to tell what it means (is it an either/or situation, or both/neither situation?) Some clues include jargon that a person that knows nothing about the category would know nothing about (example: if it’s a soccer puzzle it’ll include a clue that has soccer lingo in which only people who know about soccer would know about) keep clues simple so everyone has a fair chance.
My biggest problems with this game are the cases and detective stories!!! I think the cases should update weekly so you can get new cases with that, once you finish the cases part that’s literally it. Also, the detective stories is really primitive considering it’s the same story every. Single. TIME! They claim “a new detective story” every two days, but every time it ends, the next one is always the same one. Please give us new stories to solve every two days.
If the detective stories and cases were updated and gave us more gameplay and different logic puzzles that followed a storyline. This app would be nearly perfect. Overall it’s still enjoyable, the ads are annoying and jump in at inconvenient times but even if you don’t pay to have them removed it’s not a dealbreaker.
Poor translations
Sat May 13 2023 ManSeriouslyI love logic puzzles like these but one of the most important parts of those logic puzzles is comprehensive clues. The most recent event feels like it was put through google translate, it is such a mess. Running your clues past a copyeditor of some kind with a good grasp of English would help a lot.
The ads are never-ending— on average one in between every puzzle you complete (which is fairly quick back to back because the puzzles in this app are not complex at all)— and I can find a way to tolerate it when I can at least move on to the next puzzle. However, when the word salad clues inevitably lead to me failing a puzzle, I am presented with two options: Restart or Erase Mistakes (watch an ad). I have learned that, of course, it doesn’t matter which you click on because you will be shown an ac regardless. It makes it frustrating to try and see if you can solve the nonsense puzzles when you know that you’re just going to get another overly intrusive ad shoved in your face.
Also, the current event is weirdly aggressive? The storyline is a popular girl is trying to get a more plain girl a date but she’s so incredibly hostile. I’m not expecting all sunshine and rainbows but she calls the normal girl a half-wit, a cow, and the like. Maybe it is another thing that got lost in some kind of translation but that is a level of callous that isn’t really funny. It’s just off-putting.
Not giving awards anymore
Sun Aug 14 2022 CupachaosI downloaded this game obviously from seeing an ad through something else online. I thought this would be a good way to help me build brain strength again. But I have noticed in the harder levels some clues don’t make sense. The clues are mixed up and the words are confusing, they don’t match the check boxes. No matter how many times you read them and have someone else read them and answer it, the system says it’s wrong. I finally had to keep skipping all of those games. Then there must have been an update because afterward you could actually win a level and you would win awards for free hints then about a week later that stopped and never came back. I don’t get any awards with my wins anymore. Another issue is that this game has way to many ads you have to watch between games, if you need to get a free hint or even when I was winning free skips I was having to watch ads. To check to see if you have anything wrong on the board, another long ad. Other than the awards going away, the long ads, and someone who doesn’t really know how to word clues while linking them to the game board the game is actually pretty cool.
Game within a game to move on in the game
Tue Jul 11 2023 Dragon tales94The game is fun, makes you think and feel like a detective. My only problem with the game is not even the ads, it’s the fact that you download a detective game and a mark the square game but in order to move on you need keys and the only way to get keys is playing a game within the game that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the game you downloaded. And that is not even the worst part, you end up playing this game more than the actual check the box game because you need 30,000 points in order to move on to the next level, which is near impossible to do by playing that game once. So it is more you downloaded this game and the check the box is an add on to the game.
Chapter 2 requires 30 keys in order for you to open it. So in order for you to get 1 key you need 100 points in a like-Tetris-game. They give you 3 shapes and you need to place them on the board. You need to complete a square or a line to get some points, you also do get some points by placing the shape in the board but the points are so minimum you don’t get to too 100 easily. Not only that but chapter 3 uses 40 keys and they don’t add up. So after you get the 30 keys, meaning 30,000 points you need to get 40,000 for the chapter 3.
Love the game but too many bugs + I paid but still get ads
Fri May 06 2022 PgdakittyThis game is awesome. Until it wasn’t. I played it so much, I paid the $4.95 to get the ad-free version. That’s when everything started to go wrong, e.g., if you made some mistakes, the button to see them didn’t work, so you had to do the entire puzzle over (vs) just fix the mistakes. You’d lose all of the correct work you did and could have to replay an entire game 3-4x … incredibly time-consuming. Also, I got to level 137 HARD when other buttons stopped working. I had to delete and re-install the game and start completely over at Easy Level 1. I wanted to scream. Oh wait, I did. I’d also lost all of the hints I’d collected by repeatedly playing the same stupid detective game — which, as far as I can tell, is the only way to earn hints. Somehow, every time I’d save up hints (by playing the SAME detective game over and over and over — did I mention that?), they would end up disappearing. Last night, for the 5th time, I re-did Easy to Normal level just so I could get back to doing harder puzzles (the game had erased my progress on two rounds of the detective game so I finally gave up on that!) … I opened the game up this morning AND I’M BACK TO SQUARE ONE AND HAVE ADS AGAIN DESPITE BUYING THE APP! Maybe one day the developers will fix all of these bugs and someone can enjoy this game, but I’m done.
love it, but some feedback
Sun Jun 05 2022 mickey_mousie22i don’t usually write reviews, but this game is very good. i just have some critiques. i love the logic put into it, and i really enjoy the scenarios. the things i don’t like, however, include how when the tasks pop up as an opportunity to get more hints without watching a bunch of ads, you end up watching the same amount of ads throughout the puzzle, if not more, and THEYRE THE SAME AS THE ORIGINAL LEVELS!!!! i don’t like the repetitivity in the tasks, because i have already done the levels and it isn’t entertaining at that point. another thing is that i think there should be more realistic scenarios,rather than just matching colors and animals etc. possibly a murder mystery type vibe. anyways, i would recommend downloading this game, because there are only ads around every 2 minutes or less. you just can’t really get super far on levels without having so much repetitive levels. just realizing i didn’t talk about the story event going through it and the cases. i don’t like the ad after every case. i would download if you haven’t already, but honestly i may delete it soon because of these ads and repetitivity.
I’d love to give 5 stars but…
Wed Jun 23 2021 whyyyyyyyyy2020This game is pretty addicting. If you get easily frustrated over mechanics that seem unfair, it’s not for you. To go from check marks to X’s you gotta remember to hit the switch every time. So when you forget, you make a mistake. You only get three mistakes. You can turn off the mistake counter or up it I think, but that made my game glitch and there’s no fun in that!
I really think the switch mechanic needs an upgrade, maybe something that stands out more so it’s not as forgettable.
Those are just little things. Even with these criticisms I would give it 5 stars. The big thing that made me immediately delete it the recycling of these puzzles.
I played through all the normal levels, and I noticed a few times that I would get the same puzzle. I thought maybe I failed it and forgot, or maybe it was slightly different than before to make it harder.
After finishing normal, I was 15 levels into hard when I got the same exact puzzle as a few levels before. There’s nothing that turns me off a game more than repeatedly doing something I’ve already accomplished. I hope you fix this for future players but I think I pretty much got the whole experience from playing all the normal levels.
Good & bad
Sun Sep 26 2021 Minnesota maidenLove logic games of this type. I don’t mind ads, but there are too many, repeating of same ads, and some are 30 seconds or longer which is too long. During those, I get up for a drink or snack and pay no attention to them anyway. I agree with others that the screen disappears before I’ve filled in the last box, assuming I got it right. I’d like to be the one to end the screen. One really annoying thing is that I have found some clues to be contradictory. In an either/or situation, neither choice is correct and I assume it’s a glitch, but frustrating all the same. I’m addicted to these puzzles, but too many glitches will make me move on. I’ve also found that when I want to move on to the next puzzle, I keep getting older ones that I’ve already completed, even though there are others I haven’t yet done. Please try to fix these as I really enjoy them and would like to give a higher rating.
Addendum: level 155 in the normal group can’t even be played. The time table is unreadable as all the letters and numbers are superimposed upon each other. I thought it might be my device but when I logged back on, it hadn’t changed. Needs to be fixed, please.