Fri Aug 18 2023 bodakbrii love this game so much okay, i am the all time best player at gold kind of i will surpass anyone tenfold at any level, i play it all the time non stop but now i’m at level 4467 and i can not for the life of me get the ball to the flag, i have over 400 shots going on this thing and no matter what angle i shoot at or height i can’t get it over the lip and it’s eating me inside. i have perfected every angle, my depth perception is immaculate, i can utilize every part of the map and manipulate it to my advantage EXCEPT AT THIS LEVEL. if i can’t do it no one can, this must be the last level they have developed so far and so they made it a level that no one can surpass and that is the only explanation
Needs some things to be more fun, otherwise great
Thu Jun 22 2023 Prince EmperorThe game is great that it has no ads and runs without internet. But after a while it seems a bit boring. I would recommend adding sound into the game, that itself would put it up to four stars. Some calming background music for the different backgrounds, like a campfire for the night in the woods. Some swift sound effects for when ever it is hit, aiming, and collecting those little fireflies. For aiming you could get a ‘zooming’ sound with some slight screen shake effects as the aim is getting further. Collecting fireflies feels decently rewarding but adding a small collecting sound that gets higher pitched as each one you collect in a combo. Maybe it’ll flash color or light when collected. Also having sound when the ball interacts would be nice, like a small thud. And topping off the sound with a robotic voice theme or voice of a real person saying the comments on top of the text when a shot is made and when you finish a level. Now it wouldn’t be as lonely. Now for the content you could make it like mini golf and have random obstacles like rocks that are pushed when hit, trees just as an obstacle, water where the physics are different, sand where the ball is stopped without much if a bounce, and campfires where the ball will have a temporary amber glow with flame cosmetics.
Ummmm….. I wrote a lot, but I guess it’ll still greatly enhance the game to five stars. Still would recommend the game.
Thu May 11 2023 CheyChey96Its a great game. Absolutely no adds, had no glitches, no freezes. A great game to just chill and relax. However, there are quite a few maps that seem almost impossible to pass. You really have to learn your angles and your aiming. I know this makes me sound like I have no life, but it really helps with the adhd/anxiety. Its good for keeping your hands busy, that way you actually sit still and watch your favorite show or whatever. The point being, ive made it to level 4,467 and it really is impossible to make it to the map. The platforms are spaced in a way that you can not make it. Was a perfect game while it lasted though!
Good Start, needs minor improvements
Mon May 01 2023 Jermusic55It’s a nice, simple game but it would be great to have the option to go back and beat scores on previous levels (like Angry Birds). Other things like adding sand traps, water hazards, or even slippery ice would be fun. Also, the description says “challenge your friends” but there is no way of doing that (I’m on an iPad). Having leaderboards would definitely be cool for those looking for an added challenge. Hoping we get some of these improvements in future updates. Great concept though, looking forward to seeing how the game improves over time.
Impossible Level
Fri Jul 14 2023 PinplexAmazing relaxing game for when you want to burn time, no ads whatsoever. Can get a bit repetitive with the level design.
Unfortunately after 800+ levels I got an impossible to beat level. There were few levels that were really really hard to beat, but I found them interesting.
This one is literally impossible because you can’t shoot the ball that high up. All levels are auto created I guess and this time it messed up.
So unfortunately I can’t continue playing, but it was fun while it lasted!
Bugs and lack of content
Tue Oct 29 2024 afx863First of all, great game, it’s fun and good for passing time. However this game has some bugs, I am currently stuck in the ground on level 575 and it’s unfortunately stopped me from being able to play any more, I haven’t encountered any other bugs. The game also has a lack of content and the levels are all pretty similar, new mechanics or harder/technical levels would be nice
Great game
Fri May 05 2023 Killed myself!!! 😺This game is great and simple. It has no ads, and fun and addicting level design. The only thing I would say is maybe to spice it up more. I feel like every 20-30 levels or so maybe change the area your in, like adding ice or sand pits in different areas to make it more challenging and change it up a bit. I also think linking with Game Center and showing other people’s scores on levels once you complete them would be nice.
Tue Jun 20 2023 -your friendThe game is great! I enjoy wasting my time on it. But what really turned me around is the level frickin 838. There is no winning/ or beating it. I can throw the golf ball and it won’t reach the top. And let me just say, that, I am great at this game. I ace through the levels quickly.. so you can imagine how fr mad I am about this level. I don’t know what to do. The frustration is ripping my brain in half!! LAME
EDIT: to that snotty person here in the reviews that made me feel related and relieved to.. and then threw the absolute lie that they beat; the level in my face.. I’m steaming. Screw you dude.
Golf, Kind Of…
Tue Apr 18 2023 annjulieahThis game is fun, challenging, sometimes frustrating and somewhat addictive. It has some rough places like sometimes the flagged hole on the green doesn’t recognize the ball is right on top of it and I have to adjust it adding extra shots. Also occasionally it’s difficult to aim the ball when it’s on the edge of the screen. A thin border might help. Thanks for not including ads - that makes this more fun to practice!
Relaxing Fun endless and NO ADS 🥹
Mon Apr 03 2023 zesty jimWell, one of the comments says that it’s impossible to get past level 838. I took that as a challenge and passed 838. There are levels after. All of the levels in this game seem similar like their almost repeating but with small changes. I would recommend this game to anyone who needs a game to relax and chill.