This is honestly a really good game
Tue Feb 25 2025 J@xsonCompletely honest this game is actually really good. Incident mode is really good you can start anything in normal mode the only problem I have is that it would be on you the grenade launcher is better than the laser gun the tank and the crossbow finger is I won’t make better than grenade launcher that’s my only problem I mean launcher is better than most of the gun so I haven’t gotten any of the other guns but so far so good and wants us to second-best in the finger is the best another problem in infinite mode you get an ad every time you get a reloadable it’s I think it should be every other words but it doesn’t really bother me that muchOtherwise there’s a really good game if you want to change it maybe do list I have infinite mode and maybe add different modes and maybe you should like make it so you can color your guns or get different skins for bullets. Maybe even different maps or different difficulty’s overall thank you for the good game and a fun time.
Amazing game, needs improvements
Mon Aug 28 2023 joeconnollybosFirst of all I’d like to say that this game is sooooo fun! I love it! But there are still things that need some work. First of all, I’d like to get the basics out of the way. After you get all the guns, the nearly endless amount of money your left with is useless. Maybe you could add some new things to buy? Also, the levels tend to be kinda short. Aren’t always too many people in them either. And like the level theme is always kinda the same. Maybe make it so after a certain amount of levels there is a theme change? Also, my biggest thing about this game. The multipliers. I could have maybe killed none or maybe one, and I’ll just win and get a random multiplier because your bullets just keep flying unless they hit the floor or a person. So I’ll be at the beginning and win without really playing the level because my bullet flies all the way to the end and into a multiplier. Maybe make like a bonus level or make the multipliers a separate area kinda that you go to once you kill all of the people? I get the mechanic makes it so you can double kill and stuff, but annoying. Great game though!
Really good, just some notes
Fri Jul 05 2024 AlecTaireIt’s a solid game and pretty fun, very basic concept but I enjoy it. My only thing is I feel like there should be just a little more of a challenge, like giving the different guns magazines with certain numbers of bullets in them and you have to complete it in so many shots, then when you buy better guns(or potentially upgrades) you could consider accuracy, range, and ammo. I do think it’s very fun but there’s also more to add, like a have almost a million coins before I’ve even unlocked the first gun and there’s nothing to spend it on like skins. I also feel like shots shouldn’t go through enemies because it really messes with the final score but one could argue I could just shoot from the top so I’m not really upset. And there are characters with weapons that can hit you like swords but I have yet to see a health bar. All in all I’m having fun and would like to see more stuff added
Solid fun game.
Fri Mar 25 2022 Dennys_19Gotta admit. I’m hooked. I hardly, if ever, write reviews for anything but this one deserves an input. It’s just a super satisfying game and just lets time pass. My favorite kind of games. My only complaint however is the lack of coin usage. Like yeah you can unlock different guns after certain levels and that’s fine and all but I’m almost at the final gun and I have about 9M coins. Like what do I even do with them? If you can implement some sort of like prize machine for new different weapons or even adding skins to guns that you can buy that would be perfect. And maybe make the levels a little longer :). Other than that solid 10/10
Fun, needs more content
Fri Sep 15 2023 dneff403This game is actually really fun. I play it nearly every day and just spend time mindlessly on it. This is the only game I've ever seriously thought about trying to buy the ad free upgrade on and surprisingly that's not even an option. I just wish there was more to do and more content. I have had it for a long while and I've already bought all the guns and played every type of level on there. I'm currently at level 7200 with $1,150,179,300. If there was more to do, more to spend my money I've accumulated in the game on, and more variety of levels, it would be amazing. Like I said I truly do enjoy the game, I just wish there was some update to it to make more happen and possibly an ad free version I could buy for a couple bucks. It would be worth it for me
Good game but…
Wed Oct 12 2022 Flossboss0211Ok, I’ve had the game for 1 day and it is amazing. The gameplay/physics are ok but it is really short. I’m already done, have all of the guns and have millions of coins left over. So maybe adding some skins or customizable guns like e.g. You have a tab that you switch to and you can choose a body style like rifle sniper shotgun pistol revolver or whatever. Then you choose attachments, lasers or scopes or grips. Then maybe a color scheme that can be preset like on that you unlock from chests that are ranked (common , uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic, or whatever else and also just a part where we (the gamers) choose the colors by stock grip trigger guard barrel and whatever else.
Did I reach enlightenment or did I just download Gun Sprint?
Thu Dec 28 2023 clowncl0wnThis is the most impeccable game I have ever played and I have changed as a person since downloading. The dances of the stick figures are so meaningful I cried. Not to mention the CHEEKS on these stick figures, I would pay three-quarters of my salary to see these guys in the strip club. I know that the settings button is fake, but I think there is a deeper meaning to this; this game is so perfect that you would be considered a sinner if you wanted to change any aspect of this.
I like this game but one reason…
Mon Dec 12 2022 gamecrusher7645So I like this game so far I’m new to it but there is one thing I can’t see on my screen I wish there is a NO ADDS PASS I wish there is one Because I HATE ADDS in just about every game there is with adds there is a no adds pass but guess what there isn’t one in this game.
I still kinda like it though but still add one in PLEASE. if there is one and I’m just being stupid please tell me so I know I’m putting this in for no reason. so if you don’t like and I mean HATE adds don’t get this game. Also it is sooooo glichy so don’t get the game if you don’t like glitchy games. If the people make it not glichy I would rate this game a higher star rate.
Good game could be better
Wed Nov 16 2022 jay7$8Had the game for 2 hours and I have over 4 million dollars and every gun. It was a good Tim waster but it could have more/better weapons with more distinctive sounds for each weapon and it also has a weird issue with when you clearly shoot your bullet at a specific multiplier at the end and it shoots a different one close to it. Also having different maps with more obstacles like instead of going in a relatively straight line have some parts where you have to climb up a wall or something so people won’t get bored
Sat Oct 09 2021 Willard2008It’s really sad that since the new update the game is no longer enjoyable due to all of the ads. I use to play this game multiple times a day and for quite a bit of time because it was simple and yet fun. Now the creators are just money hungry fools and gave into ads after every level. An ad every now and again is understandable but after every level makes the game nothing but a waste of my time now. I unfortunately will be deleting the game though it was once one of my go to time fillers. I hope the creators think more of their fans playing next time instead of the lousy buck they may make off every ad.