Stunning. Absolutely perfect.
Fri Jun 28 2019 SunnycalihThis game is marvelous. I was looking for a game to doze to sleep by that engaged me, was beautiful, but didn’t stress me out. This is everything I was looking for and more. The visuals are exquisite. The little encouraging messages are so nice as you doze in bed. Seeing your ranking vs the world average is a nice nod to your achievement, without making it an ongoing intense competition. The musical tones are used perfectly, only as a reward after finishing hand as you start a round. Otherwise you just get to play in silence. Calm, mesmerizing, silence. And the tones that do play are so unobtrusive I actually leave the sound on as I play (something I rarely do with phone games). Also, the gameplay is surprisingly rewarding. It’s so cool to see the whole grid finally click together. It definitely gives the brain a fantastic little dump of positive brain-chemicals and works a beauty-appreciating part of your mind in a way rarely tapped in to so intentionally. My one complaint about this game is that they don’t have a buy-once-and-play-all-the-content-without-ads option. Seriously, even if it’s $20. You guys have made an exquisitely calming experience. It makes the awful casino style ads all the more irritating. Lol. I want to pay you to never hear them again in your beautiful game. TAKE MY MONEY. Ok, thx for your art. This wonderful. If you’re reading this, get. this. game.
One of my all time favorite apps.
Tue Feb 09 2021 OriginalPebguin2011I’ve had this game for roughly three or four years now and decided it’s about time I left a review. I don’t know what I can say about this that hasn’t already been said but I can sure agree with all the positive reviews I’ve come across. Visuals, atmosphere, levels, ads, everything is so perfectly managed in this app. It’s all simple but truly wonderful. It’s an incredibly fun game to play but if I’m being honest I don’t usually open the game to have fun. At the end of the day this is my comfort app and it has been for a long time now. In moments where I feel incredibly stressed or anxious, both outdoors and in, opening the app and solving the stunning ombré puzzles always helps calm me down. I’m not one to stick to one gaming app for too long. I’ll usually complete it and/or get bored of it and proceed to replace it with something new. Same with apps that I download to help with anxiety or nerves. I end up switching them up because I never end up satisfied but this has certainly stayed with me for a while and it’ll definitely stay with me for a lot longer. This app just gives me a profound sense of comfort and calm while simultaneously providing an enjoyably fun time. I’m incredibly grateful for finding this and whether you want something zen or a fun game to enjoy I genuinely recommend everyone have this game downloaded.
This color addict approves!
Tue Mar 22 2022 DinaaaaaaaaaaaaaahI have the free version, and it is great, but if I wasn’t so completely broke, I would definitely buy the full version - just to support the creators of this awesome game…the game is based on a simple idea, with a infinite amount of possible puzzles…the score is based on the number of moves, and not timed, which I think is great. I would love it if, in addition to the world average number a moves given for each level, they also gave the number expressing the fewest possible moves needed to solve the puzzle. I think that would be just the number of squares on the board that are not fixed in place, so I guess I could just count, but it seems like it would fit perfectly alongside the “world average”. - Also, I love the little messages that congratulate you when you complete a level, but so far I have only seen two messages, and I WOULD SERIOUSLY play the levels just to see a new colorful celebratory catchphrase…I think that the creators should ask for players to submit their ideas, and I volunteer to help in any way I can - I am an artist, and a desperate, hopeless color addict- you can find on my work on giphy, picsart, redbubble, and others as dinaaaaaah - d-i-n-6 ‘a’s-h - and I found the game original, relaxing, beautifully designed, challenging, and ultimately satisfying ❤️
Very Relaxing!
Fri Mar 29 2024 CocoPazuzuDogI’m a person who gets stressed out and overstimulated very easily. Things like puzzles are very effective in calming me down, but most puzzle games come with a lot of ads, pop-ups, and excessive unnecessary features that just end up overstimulating me more. This game doesn’t have any of that. It has very few ads and no annoying pop-up banners. The mechanics are simple and straightforward. You can pay for more prisms if you want too, but each puzzle is worth so few that you don’t really need too; it’s not a game that forces you to pay by purposely trying to run out your prisms. And if you do choose to pay for more, the prices are very very good for the amount offered. For ten dollars you can get enough prisms to play 400 levels, and you still get 15 free every day. The actual gameplay is very easy to get the hang of and very relaxing. There’s no timer or score. Your moves vs. the average amount of moves are displayed, but there’s nothing lost or gained. And it’ll give you a sweet message at the end either way. The music is nice, but if you get tired of it you can easily turn it off and play your own, it’s not one of those apps that turns off whatever you were listening too the moment you open it. Overall it’s the perfect calming puzzle game⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
perfect game
Wed Dec 18 2024 rachelplhi LOVE this game. my only suggestion would be if the devs could add a pop up that says “are you sure you want to replay this level” or else make replaying a level free, bc as of right now it costs in-game currency to replay a previously cleared level. unfortunately, it’s very easy to accidentally click on a level that has been previously cleared when scrolling through the level choices. i have done this a few times, and even though it’s only 1 unit of currency to replay, it’s still a lot when you only get 15 free units per day. (it costs 3 units to play a new level, so you can play 5 new levels per day for free unless you pay real money or watch ads.) outside of that, everything else about this game is so perfectly enjoyable. it’s simple, easy to understand, and very relaxing. i love that the only scores are the global average and how many turns it took yourself to complete the level. not having a time component or leaderboard makes this game so laidback. not to mention, the interface and the color grids themselves are all extremely pleasing to the eye. i paid $1.99 to remove the ads and i would do it again, it’s so worth it! love, love this game.
A wonderful experience in color!
Wed Nov 27 2019 IslandbergI haven’t spent a dime on this game. I have read reviews where people say it costs money, yet I have accumulated enough hearts and prisms to unlock everything without the need to spend cash. I have been telling everyone about this gem! As a former art student and artist, I feel this game is really a study in color. It’s a zen-like experience that both calms and excites at the same time. I love that it doesn’t gouge my wallet and I can just sit back and enjoy the game. I absolutely love seeing how the shades of color play against each other. Once a square is placed in its proper position ones brain can immediately tell. What once looked off in shade suddenly registers in the brain and the puzzle starts to take shape. I am addicted to this game and enjoy seeing how my score ranks against other players. My best score was 77 moves over a 223 move world average. I was impressed with myself, that’s for sure! I think anyone who wishes to better understand color and how shades can interact with others should play this game. You will see how amazing it is. I am into the quests now and have gone past “explorer”, they just keep getting better. It’s calming and really aids in stress relief.
I LOVE this game
Wed Jan 17 2024 DrowzieeeWhen I tell you I’m in love with this game I mean it. It’s all I can think about and all I do when I’m on my phone. The way the colors shine in my eyes and the way the blocks move around so gracefully across my screen makes my heart flutter 💞 the colors are just right, they are beautiful, I spend hours on end playing this game over and over. When I’m having a hard day and see the icon of this app on my home screen my face just lights up and I instantly feel better about myself knowing I’m going home to play my favorite game. I have the icon set as all of my profile pictures on all of my social medias and even my company email. Saying I’m obsessed with this game is an understatement, this game is my life. And I will do anything to keep being able to play it. It’s set as my lockscreen and my Home Screen. My computer background is even set as it. My favorite puzzles are the rainbow ones, just the way the colors clash together makes me smile and feel warm inside 🩷 anyways, I’m just saying that this game is beautiful and very well working, I recommend this to everyone I talk to since it’s basically all I talk about. 😊
Absolutely Incredible
Thu Aug 27 2020 Potterfan16103I have never written an app review before, but I Love Hue deserves as much praise as it can get. This is simple yet challenging, incredibly satisfying (dare I say addicting), and visually stunning. As someone with OCD, I have found this game to be an amazing substitute for certain rituals as well as a great coping mechanism. It’s soothing and relaxing. Each stage comes with calm, zen-like messages that are just pleasant to read. I’ve played through every single level multiple times until I beat the world average in each one, partly due to perfectionism but also so I could get compliments such as “iridescent moonbeam” and “glorious butterfly.” There are no “pay to play” features, no subscriptions, and while there ARE ads, they are extremely tolerable. Ads come up very rarely, and always between levels so there’s no risk of interruption. Plus, in my experience they have always been skippable. Overall, this has been my favorite game for almost three years now and is by far the best color-sorting game I’ve come across.
This morning, I downloaded I Love Hue Too and I am already hooked! Amazing and even more extensive than its predecessor. I highly recommend both of these apps.
It's so worth it
Wed Apr 10 2024 thatonegirl💔🥀I struggle with anxiety and I also have some weird form of anger issues. This game is relaxing, calming and a lot of fun actually. I love sorting games like this and it's so satisfying to see all of the colors fall into place as you go. There's no stress of trying to "beat the level" or anything like that. There's multiple levels and multiple stages and you can go at your own pace. There's no right or wrong where it tells you "uh oh, try again" and it even gives you nice little messages when you get through a level, like calling you and iridescent moon beam or a shining rainbow. This is hands down my favorite mobile game and i find myself playing it so often that some of my friends have even gotten it too!! I started playing I Love Hue Too and it's just as amazing. Also, did I mention there are no ads and no pop ups asking you to buy extension packs?? Did I also mention that there actually aren't any extension packs and you can buy things if you choose to? Did i ALSO mention that when you do buy things it's not over the top expensive???? I love this game so much.
Prefer I love hue too, but great game
Mon Dec 26 2022 thekelbellMy study pool is admittedly small, but I was quite disappointed downloading this game after playing I love hue too religiously. It wasn’t even the addition of the “crystals” system (I understand that the devs need to make a living, and the crystal system is overall quite reasonable), it was just the lack of some of the meditative aspects that I had come to love in 2. The actual gameplay itself still runs well. However, there are a couple changes I would love to see in this version. 1. PLEASE add a dark mode setting. I often play the game as I am going to bed, and the bright white of the main menu is irritating. This is the only thing that I have a major complaint with. This game is in desperate need of a dark mode. 2. Optional ambient music during levels. I really liked this feature in ILH2, and would love to have it on ILH. Okay, I’m done. I understand that some of these changes would take lots of programming work, but some (read: DARK MODE) would vastly improve user experience. Thanks to the devs for making a great game!