Great Game, But!!!!
Wed Mar 01 2023 TaftWatsonThis game is very addictive. I play on my iPhone and iPad. But there are a few things I see that need attention:
Upgrade in Shoe Store - This works great on my iPad, but not on the iPhone. When I return to my game on my iPhone, my workers are no longer there, and I have to purchase them again. Also, I can’t upgrade them to carry additional or work faster. The game will just take my money and the workers won’t move faster or carry more. Spent lots of money on the workers every day because they don’t seem to stay whenever I return to the game or if the game resets. Again, only on the iPhone, not the iPad.
Also, there is only one black character in this game, and he seems to be a gangster. Can you make some more black characters in the game that are just regular people, please?
Thank you
Promising but unacceptable
Fri Mar 31 2023 plaintigerI won't play games that have too many or forced ads (if nobody played them they'd cease to exist, and wouldn't *that* be nice?!), and this game, while it hasn't yet forced an ad on me, requires the player to watch an ad (or pay some kind of currency they don't have any of) in order to obtain any kind of upgrade. But while this is bad, this game oversteps a further bound that I won't tolerate in any app: it displays ads that override and ignore my phone's silence switch. When the silence switch on my phone is set to silent, it is entirely unacceptable, and the height of disrespect for me and my wishes, for any sound to come out of my phone other than an alert or an alarm that I myself have set or otherwise expressly authorized. It is NEVER acceptable for ANY advertisement to ignore the position of that switch and blast sound out of my phone when I am relying on the silence switch to keep my phone silent out of respect for my wishes and for those around me.
Any game that displays ads that ignore the fact that my phone is set to silent will be immediately deleted from my phone (and should be from yours too), and this is just such a game.
Honest review that should be read before downloading
Sun Jan 21 2024 AurorieeDownloaded it because the treasure hunt on Webtoon. Didn’t expect much HOWEVER I didn’t expect there to be SO MUCH ADS. Like everything requires an ad to do even just trying to playing the game! It forces an “ad break” every 5-10 minutes which is really annoying due to the fact you’ve just probably watched like 10 not that long ago. I think the part that’s so laughable about this game is when you finally get everything, a new area appears saying you need to collect 100k to get the next area. When you get the money you have to wait now 26 DAYS- that’s right, TWENTY SIX DAYS- to get the area “built.” That’s just insane. This game isn’t even that good either. It glitches frequently, can’t really do anything with out watching ads as I’ve said before, forces you to watch ads every few minutes, and expects you to wait 26 days to complete the game. It’s just a terrible “game” that have terribly developers who clearly are just trying to make a quick buck.
If you’re considering trying it out to get coins during the treasure hunt for Webtoon, don’t bother. It’s truly not worth it.
What’s the point?
Thu Apr 06 2023 mosweerIt’s definitely an addicting game and is fun. But there are so many ads it pointless. The ads pop up from 10-30 seconds at a time. It’s not worth it and I don’t want to spend 5 bucks to make it ad free when I could get mine craft for that amount and not do anything else. Some of the ads are inappropriate. I got one and almost freaked out because it was really inappropriate. For this game you can buy more money or tickets to buy workers or upgrades. Or you can watch an ad! The employees are okay but they can’t carry half of what the player can. You have to continue to upgrade the workers, ultimately spending more money. Real or not. Also this game lags incredibly bad. Because of the ads that pop up in game while playing (an ad banner at the bottom of the screen) it lags a lot. Sometimes it freezes or continues to play the game music with my phone shut off. I’m pretty sure at some point and time it would make me reboot my phone. I’ve had to restart the app so many times. It’s a good game with a bunch of potential but so worthless if it’s basically just an ad fest.
Who’s the Boos? Oh it’s me!!!
Thu Mar 02 2023 OldBag73Well, I’ve been playing this game for 2 days (I took breaks, caught a show, napped etc etc..) and wow, I’m hooked. BUT, I have an issue. I played yesterday … learned the ins and outs, then today I purchased No ADS for 4.99. Uhhhhhh … there are only ads if you WANT to proceed, other then that there are none. I know this because I deleted the game and reinstalled it. It lets me “restore purchases” but that’s it. DONT PAY THE 4.99. I’m giving it 4/5 because of that. Even tho I have some nasty workers in the shoe area, which I, have told the to smile (ha) still work slllllooooowwww. I digress. If I get a hold of the mystery team, be kind and refund me. It was a stupid move for nothing. So now I’m taking a break to catch up on more life and then back to it for more! Thanks guys, send me a credit🫶🏻please!
Need update
Thu Feb 09 2023 KiwiPenisThe game is fun and addicting, but with the recent adding of the shoe store there are some bugs, when you buy workers for the shoe store and then close out the app they disappear you also can’t upgrade their speed or holding capacity. The self service “Slap Master” is gone as well which is very annoying because you have to check every 30 seconds to help people get unstuck, not that it takes forever, you simply have to walk past them but it does get annoying after a while. The ads are okay, I do wish there were less of them though. The games just needs an update to fix some bugs but other than that the game is great and I’ve had a lot of fun playing it.
Enjoyed til I didn’t
Sat May 04 2024 reviewneededWas a lot of fun up until there wasn’t anything else to do. We start the game finish the first two tasks that you have because there aren’t any more for you to do. Laundromat is open nothing else to open nothing to upgrade. No more workers so all you do is start the game and collect money when you get up 96K what do you do continue to collect. I don’t mind so much the one ad I have to watch when you first come on but the break ads are forced. What’s the point in putting in a break ad if there’s nothing to do but run around and collect money. So I’m out. Would like to have seen if there was anything else that would come up later on, but this is not fun. I sent a message to the developers and never got anything back so apparently they are monitoring this game and take care of us about the folks that played it.
To many ads
Thu Jun 22 2023 Anonymous User TakenIf your someone who doesn’t really care about getting ads every 30 secs then by all means go for it but you will have to be stopped to watch an ad every 30 secs I counted it. And it’ll ask every once in awhile if you want to pay money to remove the ads which is stupid and after the first time it asks you get ad after ad. I don’t have an issue with the game it’s fun to play and all just the ads every time I’m trying to do something gets pretty annoying and then I leave the app bc it annoys me then go back on it and all the game money that I earned while playing just disappears and i have to start from scratch. Not sure if it gives it to you, still haven’t payed attention to that part yet.
Needs improvement but decent
Wed Apr 19 2023 Spncrs mumI understand developers need ads to help make them money. However, an ad every 60 seconds is way too much. It makes the game very hard to play. It just feels obnoxious and rude. I agree with many of the posters about too many ads. I also agree, with the posters about the shoe section needs a drastic update. We seem to have the same problem that workers disappear each time we leave the game and when we return, we have to buy them again. As well as spending the money to upgrade those workers, but no upgrades actually taking place, just the money being removed from our little money bank. If you could fix some stuff in the game, I’ll give it more stars. The option to go at-free is ridiculously high! $9! WTH?! Try $3-4 and I’d pay. Definitely NOT $9!
Wed Nov 29 2023 rrock04Okay, I downloaded the game a few days ago the app was PERFECT I loved the way whenever an ad popped up it would tell us beforehand. The app was really good and I actually enjoyed playing a lot and getting the shoe and self-service. Now I hadn't played the game for at least a DAY or two and when I came back everything was GONE! The Self-service AND the Shoe service. I know I can probably get it back by buying it but I spent my time even watching ads to even get that far every minute. I hoped this was some stupid glitch but I restarted my phone but everything was STILL GONE. At first I would’ve given this app a 10/10 but that situation literally ruined my whole taste in the game, I hope you guys can fix it somehow.
If you’re looking for a game this is a game for you, but be careful because I don’t know if this is only happening to me.