Great potential
Fri Feb 09 2024 lilwitchy03I love the concept of this game but as others have stated the rng of the cards is infuriating. I love the idea of only being able to survive with the cards you’re dealt, but it’s incredibly annoying to only get cards for things you can’t do yet because you haven’t gotten the card to first allow you to craft tools or build the workshop for example. It forces you to shuffle for a card you might be able to play or end the day after 2 deals. Which is fun at first til it keeps happening and you just can’t progress at all. I’ve not once been able to repair the stove. I’ve gotten the chance to do it once and I just happened to craft furniture right before and didn’t have enough materials (lesson learned not to use all materials at once!) but now half the time I can’t even get the card to build the workshop. I think a huge improvement would be to NOT get cards in your hand that you don’t have the requirements to be able to play it. E.g., don’t give player cards to repair cabin, warm up, garden, etc. before they have the requirements to be able to do so. It just leaves you with nothing to play.
Amazing game, few small bugs
Wed Dec 27 2023 NigboyFaG0Love this game and it is a blast to play, unfortunately when I fought a bear about half of the time after the fights over, the bears panting would keep going until i died, as well as whatever ending you get it doesn’t let you tap out of the screen and you have to sit there for a while or close your app. Also please make the build tools card more common😂 Jk
Has good Potential
Sun Jan 21 2024 ChaingrinderThis game’s cards seem impossibly difficult. They don’t appear to be random. I’ve spent days playing hundreds of times to rarely get by the first month. I can’t get far enough to find out what this game has to offer and have fun. My approach seems logical but the card algorithm has a different plan. Several cards need to be drawn, in exact order, to survive much less to get ahead. If you don’t get wood, then tools, then 3 woods every few days your going to die. Add a difficulty scale or something to make it less frustrating. If you try to buy items you’ll freeze to death. If you scrimp and save you will die too. My results are getting worse the more I play. The very few times you last a month bad cards, not bad play will kill you.
What’s with the gems you earn from achievements? There’s no where to spend them that I can find. Also, this is for an iPhone screen. Small on my ipad.
This will be good. It is not buggy and well put together. The fishing is fun, the dog is cool, and premise is great. I just really don’t care to learn a card algorithm as it is. I’ll check back.
Tough but possible to win
Mon May 06 2024 Tiff1111125I won finally around 106 days. Oddly, my best survival is 112 days, but I died on that attempt. Even more funny, prior to finally winning, I think I died on day 3. So, some luck is involved, especially early on, but once you established yourself, it’ll be easier to weather the storm, so to speak.
The key is HEAT. You can survive without much food, but you’ll freeze without heat. Pay attention to the brief tutorial. Get that stove working and get an axe and hammer ASAP on day one. This is critical. If you don’t do it, good luck surviving. You’ll want a knife later to build some crucial furniture. The rest, you’ll have to figure out. That’s part of the fun.
You can use gems to help with cards, but it’s not necessary. I won without using any gems, and it’s more satisfying that way.
It’s ok
Tue Jan 23 2024 Radicalrick12Games alright at first till you realize you won’t ever get cards you need when you need them Unless by some crazy stroke of luck you get the perfect cards which you wont. Even then it will take restarting over and over to get far.
The treasure chest makes no sense, you get a card you have to use right then and there but it’s might as well have been just a regular card anyway cuz it just gives you the same cards but with gold colors! lol. Maybe let us save the card for when we need it if it’s a gold card.
Then there’s the iap which will let you spend these diamonds to get the actual cards you want. You can earn a few by playing but eventually you will run out of the free rewards and have to spend money to get more. Which is also what drags this game down, the fact it’s a purchased game but with iap that only help a single round is dumb.
was fun for about an hour then I saw all this game has to offer.
Don’t get
Sat Apr 13 2024 dr.lozanoThis game is super buggy and infuriating. I would lose hearts completely out of random, as will as get stuck in transition cards and sometimes the furnace timer wouldn’t even show. The concept of trying to survive with the cards you’re dealt is a good idea but when I play 2 games in a row without getting wood (which is imperative for your survival) AT ALL is beyond frustrating and annoying. This is an entirely luck based game which takes away from the fun. When I finally beat the game it took forever because it refused to give me “repair plane” cards and I had to forcibly buy them from the in game currency I earned over time which I lost 8 hearts immediately after for absolutely no reason. This game is so bad that this is the first time I write a review to warn others not to waste their money
Game gets stagnant after a while
Tue Jul 02 2024 MbbodybuilderI wish there were updates for this game and different survival stories / scenarios. It is a good game but kinda gets old after a while especially when you get to over 100 days and one issue is at higher levels of the game you can have all your hearts and it only takes one chance for example your stove breaks then the cold hits and removes portion of your heart and you think you can do something about but you get sick at that same time and then remaining hearts and you die. This is the annoying part about it.
Love hate relationship
Tue Feb 20 2024 Ms.SeattleThis game is very well made. Seems simple but it’s not. It’s very addictive and you want to get better. I made it 169 days without a dog and I was down to four life hearts. I got a savior card which holds your lives overnight but it bugged out and took them all anyways. And there was NO poison or ailment of any kind. That was a major error and let down. Also another bug I have run into, less of a problem of course but still relevant is when you try to use the fire card and you have enough wood but it says you don’t.
goood idea & fun game 👍
Sun Jan 14 2024 bgjoe04The game idea is very creative and fun.I've never played a card-based survival game before, I've seen reviews that say you have to pay to win, but I don't think that's true. I survived to day 143 without paying anything. The game is a bit difficult, but I think that's part of the fun! When you die, it makes you want to play again and again.
Limited player agency
Wed Jan 24 2024 Game guy gibbieI have been to Protospiel game conventions and I have learned a little something about player agency. If a game has random card draws like this game, it would be nice if you could have some control over the cards you are dealt. Being limited to 3 cards along with limited chances to get the fire starter card, restricts your chances of survival. The idea is excellent, but it’s difficult when the survival chances depend on one card. Especially for a pay to play game. Seems its designed for you to spend extra money for extra cards.