Favorite game on my phone (not pay to win)
Wed Jul 14 2021 NicoisagamerI got this game years ago on the family iPad before I had a phone and I spent a lot of my free time playing. Now that I have a phone it was the first game that I downloaded and I still love it. I love the vehicle system and how you get them. I mostly play the free play mode, but sometimes I like doing the levels and redoing some trying to get more stars. However, there is some things that just take away from my entertainment. For example, sometimes the challenges are just insanely difficult and I have to wait days and sometimes weeks to skip them using gems. The one I’m waiting to skip right now is get 84-86 points five times in a row. Like bruh I’m not skilled. Also, after you get all of the bikes it’s kind of boring but it takes a long time to do that. Another thing that I like that I forgot to mention is the progress bar which shows you how much you’ve beat the game rn I think I’m at 64% and I’m not stopping until I get to 100%. Also, when you click it it shows you how many flips you’ve done, perfect flips, games played, etc. My current high score is 106 (not to flex but that’s pretty impressive my guy). I just have like 3 more bikes to unlock. Overall, this game is amazing and I love it and I definitely recommend it. Thank you for reading this long review and have a good day. 😁
I love this game but....
Sun Feb 16 2020 Draggen IsleThis game is really great, and it’s super fun with all the challenges. But there are a few cons as well. One is that when it’s issuing random obstacles for you to overcome, and you die on one, often then when you restart, the first obstacle it gives you is the one you just died on. I know this might just be to make it challenging, but sometimes it’s intolerable. Also, some of the challenges are completely pointless. Get exactly 38 gems 4 times? I mean... Come on..... it’s just pointless. I sometimes wish there are more secret cars. When I get the daily reward, now it will only give me small amounts of gems instead of secret cars, so there’s really no point in getting the daily reward anymore. There are also a few bugs that need to be fixed. Often when you are riding along a flat piece of track, your car will kick up off the track with no way to control it, forcing you to die. I was really disappointed when I found this one; my score was 124 (1 away from my best, which was 125.) Sometimes when it is loading the game and it is on the reed ketchapp screen, it will randomly kick you out of the game, making you need to restart the app. And whatever you do, NEVER try this game on airplane mode. It absolutely does not work; it won’t even let you load the game, or switch cars for some weird reason. Other than that, this is a great game, really fun. I would recommend it to anyone who tolerates bugs.
Simple fun with more depth than most!
Sun Jul 30 2017 Grampa192This game is super simple being that you just press to move forward and flip backwards. No flipping forward, stopping, or going in reverse, which sounds almost to simple but makes for a nice challenge while staying convenient for phones! Usually I'm not to fond of Ketchapp games because they are too simple and once you've played a few minutes you've gotten all the fun there is to be had but with Rider you have your core game which is fun, addictive and has challenges and unlockables to keep you going but what makes it for me is they go one step further by adding challenge stages which are very hard to complete giving a great sense of reward! The one and only downside is that there are many ads but these can be stripped with a price. Company's have to make their money somehow so I'm perfectly fine having a great free game and only paying with my time watching ads. Lastly there are a very few minor glitches but nothing bad enough to stop me from giving this simple, fun app a perfect five star review!
Thank you for reading-James Powers
Entertaining, but Frustrating Glitches
Tue Nov 07 2017 Dum_Spiro_SperoThe game is entertaining, but after unlocking about half of the bikes I’m on the verge of putting it down for good because of numerous glitches.
I would like to stick with it to unlock everything, because the tracks are interesting and the challenges are fun. However, faulty hit boxes and physics makes the game very unpredictable and frustrating. (1) sometimes you are rolling along on a flat piece of track and the car will randomly get kicked up into the air, making you lose control. (2) sometimes when you remove your finger to stop flipping the car almost immediately stops flipping. Other times, it continues flipping at high speed. (3) sometimes I will land on the wheels and immediately explode. (4) sometimes when hitting a boost ramp even with both wheels initially on the ground the car will boost in an unpredictable direction either causing the car to not make the jump or to teleport back in front of the boost. (5) There is an issue with the timer in the timed levels. I know this because on two occasions I have passed the finish line AFTER the ‘ghost’ car that shows your previous best play, and it said that I had gotten a new record. This is the most frustrating of all because it seems like in order to get three stars on some of the levels you have to hope the timer is working properly.
Addicting and fun until an ad pops up
Mon Nov 25 2019 roseturtle0123I click things like continue if you watch the video and then I watch the video and then it won’t let me exit out they need to fix these bugs. I admit it is really fun game and I am addicted to it they need to fix these bugs like the exiting out of the ad sometimes the bugs just make it not fun and like with some of the other bugs like I don’t know maybe the car goes up in the air for no reason the car starts flipping in the air when you’re not even touching it and I know some people agree with me because I’ve read other reviews so makers of this game if you’re reading this please fix the things I am talking about and actually read the reviews because if you’re asking for reviews that means you wanna fix things and you want to know what’s going on because it now doesn’t feel like it because you’ve done nothing or at least you might be working on something and I don’t know that but also the ad app when you first go into the app or just annoying it’s not a bug or anything but they’re just annoying also I have a question sometimes I go onto the app and it brings me to this red screen where both of the app but not the app but the app developers are a man sometimes it does storm exit out of the app and I don’t do anything please fix this
PLEASE FIX BUGS, but great game.
Sun Apr 15 2018 A person E2This is a really fun game. It is addicting, exciting at times, annoying at others( to whoever made the levels of only circles... screw you). I have a personal best of 121 with rider. There are a few bugs I wish were fixed and would make me give it 5 stars though... (in order of most to least important)
1. Ad in middle of screen after a video. Ok, I don’t know if it’s just me but what, whenever I watch a video there is an 85% chance of the ad at the bottom of the screen teleporting to the middle. Directly where the road is. It’s so annoying.
2. Getting stuck, so you’re on a level or on the normal course and you have to drive over some circles. You screw up and get in between the circles. Well now you’re screwed. You can’t escape, won’t die, won’t even move. You’re just stuck.
3. Blackout, occasionally after watching a video or being destroyed my screen just goes black and I have to restart my game. Just slightly annoying that’s all.
Other than this I love this game. My favorite game by this company ever. Please keep it updated and going. Maybe turn down or fix lag but I know that’s not very easy to do. Thank you, WOULD RECCOMEND.
Rider review
Sun May 22 2022 Today187I enjoy playing this game a lot, however, it is extremely inconsistent and half my deaths come from tripping over nothing and my bike flipping over because of it, or when the bike doesn’t stop spinning when I’m not pressing my screen or when there is a piece of the map that forms in front of you where you can’t slow down and you can’t dodge the obstacle so you die. It’s fun when I have a good run going but it’s very very inconsistent and irritating. Also there are a ton of ads so I suggest you turn it on airplane mode, and after about half an hour in airplane mode you need to exit out of the app and reload it, because it will load ads even if you are on airplane mode after a while. I think the ads are built in but it can’t load them quickly. Also another thing I would like the developers to fix (just as a personal preference, not that it’s flawed) is when you buy a bike or get a bike for any reason, it automatically makes you choose that bike. I feel there should be a lock setting that you can choose that locks your bike unless you change it. I prefer the skateboard but I constantly have to change it back when I get bikes.
The track flaw and perfect flip flaw
Thu Dec 28 2017 klkeaffaberThere are many flaws in this game but one sticks out to me. Okay, so this has happened on multiple occasions: I’m driving on a smooth track and this also happens with sticking a landing on a flip. But there is an unbalance in the track. There are these little bumps where the track is uneven. This causing my car to flip. PLEASE FIX THIS!
There is another flaw, and it’s about the perfect flips. I’m in the air doing flips, let’s say I’m doing three. The perfect flip is when I land on both wheels perfectly. So, I was doing my three flips and land PERFECTLY no toe, or in this case, any wheel was unbalanced. Then I did an experiment. Sometimes I did flips, but landed on one wheel. There’s NO WAY I could get a perfect flip, well what do ya know? It gave me a perfect flip! Then this happened for one round and then it was back to normal for 3 rounds. Then, it wasn’t counting my perfect flips again. Then 2 rounds later, the dang thing got sensitive again. So, makers of this app, please fix this so know one else has to type their frustrations out in paragraph form.
The “Ad”-thon aka the mobile game
Tue Oct 22 2024 Bobjr3Ok, do you want me to play your game or not? Because this game is more like a movie than a quick mobile game. With how many ads there are. Let me tell you what happens when you pick up the game right, first you open the app, and then boom an ad for a different ketchapp game then you get past that and play the regular version which I will get to later. Where there is a giant ad on the bottom of the page. You die and immediately are bombarded with a giant screen that is like “Do you want to watch an ad to save your progress?”which is more like a threat than a suggestion because you are going to watch an ad right after. Sometimes you don’t even get the nice note because they will give you the longest ad which is so ironic. Because one of the ads that plays often promotes a game that doesn’t rely on ads. Ok now let's talk about the “race” mode there is a delay immediately which gives everyone a head start and it does not matter what car you are racing with or if you mess with the options. You will always have a delay. This game is fun game and it an easy pick up if you are ever waiting but you guys need to cut off these ads that pop up all the time!! I am about to delete this game if I am honest with you.
Simple, fun at first, then broken
Sat Jan 06 2018 soupobsesserThis game was amazing the first time i played it. I played it everyday and was unlocking cars left and right. After the initial burst of fun I began to realize how broken the game actually is. Of course, Ketchapp made this game many years ago and even in its comeback they decided not to update it. The levels are well made and eventually frustrating but not for broken reasons. The endless is a big issue. This is what a majority of players will be playing. The variety of cars is good for those with different interests. But some cars do not work well with the track at all. Parts of the car will stick out more than others and will catch on things you wont even see. If you pay close attention, the ground is very poorly flattened in some areas. On top of a snall plateau the ground is comprised of about 5 smaller pieces that were freely and poorly placed to make a flat surface. At times, i will land on the wheels and the car will explode. You will be driving on a long flat surface and suddenly the car will be launched upwards and usually sideways, ending your run. The idea is fun and i have spent many hours playing but they have been burdened by the large quantity of glitches and poor endless level construction.