Samorost 3+ in Apple Arcade

Peculiar cosmic journey

Walkthrough, Guilds, Tips on this special game

The Apple Arcade Game

Version 1.472.182023-11-02

- Game Center (achievements) support

Samorost 3 follows a curious space gnome who uses the powers of a magic flute to travel across the cosmos in search of its mysterious origins. Visit nine unique and alien worlds teeming with colorful challenges, creatures and surprises to discover, brought to life with beautiful artwork, sound and music.

We recommend playing with headphones for a greater experience!

Content Includes
Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

Ratings & Reviews

4.8 out of 5 with 32 Counts
Age Rating 9+

Samorost 3 came to Apple Arcade, this is the full walkthrough of the game.



Samorost 3+ - Apple Arcade

Samorost 3 came to Apple Arcade, this is the full walkthrough of the game.

Samorost 3 + - Full Walkthrough | Apple Arcade
click to see the youtube video

News on this game

Samorosti z Prahy - pohled pod pokličku pětilet�ho v�voje Samorost 3 od Amanita Design

Viděl jsem pracovit� čerty, poctiv� mnichy, beatboxuj�c� mloky, skřehotaj�c� papoušky, učitelsk� duchy, z�dumčiv�ho mravenečn�ka,...

GAMES.CZ Wed Sep 09 2015

Samorost 3 od studia Amanita Design se stal Českou hrou roku 2016

Praha /FOTOGALERIE/ - Českou hrou roku 2016 se stal třet� d�l světově �spěšn� adventury Samorost od studia Amanita Design.

Pražsk� den�k Thu Mar 09 2017

Studio Amanita Design pošle na trh hru Samorost 3

�spěšn� a cenami ověnčen� brněnsk� v�voj�řsk� studio Amanita Design Jakuba Dvorsk�ho chyst� pro letošn� rok dalš� hern� pecku. Tue Jun 09 2015

Unik�tn� česk� hra Samorost 3 přich�z� na Android

Brněnsk� v�voj�řsk� studio Amanita Design, kter� založil a st�le vede Jakub Dvorsk�, v prvn� polovině roku uvedlo třet� pokračov�n� popul�rn� hry Samorost 3... Tue Feb 09 2021

Amanita Design oslavuje 5. v�roč� Samorost 3 nov�m dokumentem

Amanita Design, kter� stoj� za mistrovsk�mi hrami jako Machinarium, CHUCHEL a Creaks nen� v hern�m světě ž�dn�m benjam�nkem,... Fri Apr 09 2021

Villu Pell� prostoup� Lachmanova krajina mechu a robotů

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Proti šedi Fri Feb 09 2024

Samorost 3 od Amanita Design je dostupn� pro iPhone a iPad

Po pětiměs�čn�m ček�n� vych�z� nejnovějš� adventura od česk�ho studia Amanita Design i pro mobiln� zař�zen�. Alespoň tedy pro iPhone a iPad. Fri Sep 09 2016

Česk� hra Samorost 3 je dostupn� pro Android

Amanita Design m� skvělou zpr�vu pro hr�če se syst�mem Android. Jejich posledn� adventura, Samorost 3, je konečně dostupn� i pro tuto... Fri Dec 09 2016

Samorost 3 by Amanita Design s.r.o.

App Store Description. Samorost 3 is an exploration adventure and puzzle game from the award-winning creators of Machinarium and Botanicula. It...

AppAdvice Sun Oct 09 2016

Screenshots (Scroll Left & Right)

screenshot 0screenshot 1screenshot 2screenshot 3screenshot 4screenshot 5screenshot 6

Relevance Youtube Videos

Samorost 3 100% Walkthrough Gameplay Full Game (No Commentary) - YouTube
Samorost 3 Walkthrough - Part 1/5 - Whole game in 5 parts (Created by Amanita Design)
Samorost 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 3 - YouTube
GameOn 2016 | The Creative Process Behind Samorost 3 - YouTube
SAMOROST 3 - Full Game Walkthrough PC Gameplay & Ending (Steam Adventure Game) (No Commentary) - YouTube
Samorost 3: PC Full Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commentary) - YouTube
Samorost 3 Official Trailer - YouTube
Samorost 3: iOS iPad Air 2 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (by Amanita Design) - YouTube
Samorost 3 Full Game Walkthrough Gameplay (No Commentary) + All Achievements

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Age : 9+

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